Embracing Your Authentic Self: 5 Exercises to Help You Show Up as YOU

Let’s be real—embracing your authentic self can feel messy, scary, and downright uncomfortable at times. We live in a world that constantly tells us who we *should* be, how we *should* act, and what we *should* want. But here’s the thing: the most fulfilling life you can live is the one where you are truly, unapologetically YOU.

So, how do we strip away the noise and step into our true selves? It’s a process—one that takes reflection, courage, and practice. Below are five exercises designed to help you connect with your authentic self and show up in the world in a way that feels right for *you*.

1. The “Who Am I?” Journaling Exercise

Grab a journal and set a timer for **10 minutes**. Write freely, without overthinking or editing, in response to this question: *Who am I, beyond my roles and responsibilities?*

Some prompts to help you get started:

- When do I feel most at peace?

- What lights me up inside?

- What parts of myself have I been hiding from others?

- If I didn’t worry about what others think, what would I do differently?

Don’t judge what comes up. Just let it flow and see where your thoughts take you.

2. The Values Alignment Check

Living authentically means aligning your life with your **core values**. But first, you need to know what they are!

Take a moment to list **5-10 values** that truly matter to you (examples: honesty, creativity, adventure, connection, growth). Then, reflect on your daily life:

- Are you living in alignment with these values?

- Are there areas where you’re compromising them?

- What small changes can you make to bring your actions closer to your values?

Authenticity starts with knowing what matters to *you*—not what society says *should* matter.

3. The “Little Kid Test”

Think back to when you were a child. Before the world told you what was “cool” or “acceptable,” what did you naturally love to do?

- What hobbies, activities, or interests did you have?

- How did you express yourself without fear?

Now, ask yourself: Are any of those things still present in your life? If not, how can you reconnect with them? Sometimes, embracing our authentic self means revisiting the things that once brought us *pure* joy.

4. The Social Detox Experiment

For one week, pay attention to the spaces, people, and conversations that **drain you** versus those that **energize you**.

- Who do you feel like you can be your full self around?

- When do you feel like you have to wear a mask or shrink yourself?

If something feels off—whether it’s a certain social setting, relationship, or even your social media feed—consider making adjustments. Surrounding yourself with authenticity-friendly spaces makes it easier to show up as your true self.

5. The “Screw It, I’m Doing It” Challenge

What’s one thing you’ve been **holding back** from doing because of fear, judgment, or self-doubt?

- Speaking your mind in a certain situation?

- Wearing something bold that feels *so you* but you’ve been hesitant to try?

- Pursuing a passion project you’ve been too afraid to start?

Pick one thing and challenge yourself to **just do it** this week. Even if it’s scary. Even if it feels small. Taking even one step toward authenticity builds confidence in showing up as *you*.

Final Thoughts

Authenticity isn’t about being perfect—it’s about being real. It’s about embracing the quirks, the emotions, and the messy parts that make you *you*. The more you practice showing up as your true self, the more natural it becomes.

So tell me—which of these exercises speaks to you the most? Let me know in the comments—I’d love to hear how you’re stepping into your authenticity! 💛


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